Subaru Certified OEM Parts & Fluids

Subaru Certified OEM Parts & Fluids

Visit Serra Subaru Champaign for Genuine Subaru Parts and Fluids

When your Subaru needs new parts or fluids, it’s best to go with the genuine article. Whether you like to replace parts and fluids in your Subaru on your own or you prefer leaving things up to the experts, Serra Subaru Champaign is here to help. Our parts store has an extraordinary selection of genuine Subaru parts and fluids, and we also use these OEM parts and fluids at the Serra Subaru Champaign service center. Find out more here, and then come see why drivers from Savoy and Champaign choose Serra Subaru Champaign for service.

Genuine Subaru Parts vs. Aftermarket Parts

When you’re stocking up on parts or bringing your Subaru in for service, there are two main choices for parts and fluids: OEM and Subaru-approved parts and fluids or aftermarket parts and fluids. When you choose genuine Subaru parts and fluids, you can rest assured that they hold up to scrutiny. Subaru has tested these parts and fluids, and they live up to the high-quality standards you’ve come to expect. They are designed with access to your vehicle’s specifications, so proper fitment is also guaranteed. And, of course, these parts and fluids also have extraordinary longevity.

By comparison, aftermarket parts and fluids have not been tested or approved by Subaru. This does not necessarily mean that they are not high in quality; there are many good aftermarket parts. What it does mean is that finding quality parts and fluids is much more hit-or-miss. You may think you’re saving money by getting cheaper brake pads, for example — only to find out that they don’t last nearly as long as OEM Subaru brake pads.

Popular Parts and Fluids at Serra Subaru Champaign

At the Serra Subaru Champaign parts center, we have a wide variety of Subaru parts, including:

We also carry fluids that include:

  • Brake Fluid
  • And More!

Schedule Parts Installation Service at Serra Subaru Champaign, Serving St. Joseph and Urbana, IL

If you work on your Subaru yourself, come to our parts store to pick up parts and fluids. If you would rather leave things up to our Subaru certified technicians, you can either give us a call or use our online service scheduler. Then, come to the service center at Serra Subaru Champaign.


Get Directions

1402 North Dunlap, Savoy, IL, 61874
Serra Subaru Champaign 40.0724349, -88.2515338.